1. What sign warns of a traffic accident ahead?

Picture for question 1803

2. Where is the permitted to untie tools or a trailer from the tractor?

3. You are driving vehicle no.3. to whom will you give the right of way?

Picture for question 711

4. How should you behave at the following intersection (the red vehicle is not an emergency vehicle)?

Picture for question 718

5. When is it permitted to drive in reverse?

6. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 426

7. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 690

8. What is a driver required to do after crossing a flooded road section?

9. What is the function of the ABS system?

10. When is it prohibited to stop or park a vehicle?

11. Under which conditions is it permitted to drive in reverse

Picture for question 120

12. Where in the vehicle should the fluorescent vest be kept (except for motor-cycles)?

13. Which action should be taken after the tool is harnessed to the hydraulic lift arms?

14. What are we required to see in the outer side mirrors of the vehicle?

15. Is it permitted to drive an un-roadworthy vehicle?

16. The vehicle’s braking distance is the distance covered by the vehicle:

17. The correctional measures which may be imposed by the Licensing Authority, based on the point system:

18. When is it permitted to make a left U-turn in an intersection without traffic lights?

19. The speed limit for an commercial tractor (mule) on an inter-urban road is:

20. The following penalties may be imposed by a court of law on a driver convicted of committing a traffic offence:

21. When driving in reverse:

22. How would you conduct yourself when approaching a place, as described in the picture?

Picture for question 975

23. The following illustration shows an intersection with traffic signs. What is the correct manner of making a turn from street A to street C?

Picture for question 110

24. What is the meaning of this traffic sign?

Picture for question 1022

25. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 418

26. Which of the following traffic signs alerts that another road is about to merge with the roadway in which you are driving?

Picture for question 361

27. How should the driver of the silver vehicle respond, when the driver of the dark vehicle wants to park his vehicle in reverse between two vehicles next to the sidewalk?

Picture for question 889

28. What is the distance we are required to keep from the vehicle in front of us while driving?

Picture for question 815

29. What is the correct manner for leaving a vehicle standing in a roadway?

30. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 631
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