1. Do traffic light instructions have priority over “right-of-way giving” signs?

2. A policeman wrote you a traffic report due to “deviation from your lane”, and there are no lanes marked on the roadway. Is it justified?

3. How should we behave whilst driving downhill?

4. The following illustration shows an intersection with traffic signs. What is the correct manner of making a turn from street A to street C?

Picture for question 112

5. According to the traffic signs appearing in the picture, the road that turns to the left is:

Picture for question 961

6. What risks are caused when you deviate abruptly between lanes?

7. When is a driver of a motor vehicle required to dip the vehicle’s lights?

8. Until where do the following road signs remain valid?

Picture for question 514

9. What is “night time”?

10. The following road sign remains valid until:

Picture for question 529

11. How is the required distance for overtaking determined?

12. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 500

13. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 604

14. The depth of the grooves in a tire (pneumatic-air pressure) which comes in contact with the road should not be less than:

Picture for question 1501

15. Does a-can of beer have a lesser effect on a driver compared to a whisky shot?

16. Which is the correct lane for turning left?

Picture for question 727

17. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 416

18. Is it permitted to stop any vehicle other than a taxi where the following signpost is placed?

Picture for question 215

19. What characterizes a state of driving in which proper distance from the vehicle in front is kept?

20. What is a hybrid vehicle?

21. How should you conduct yourself on the road ahead?

Picture for question 729

22. Upon completion of the two year “new driver” period, a regular driver’s license will not be given to a “new driver” who was convicted of:

Picture for question 1688

23. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 495

24. The level of which types of fluids is a driver required to check in his vehicle?

25. What conduct can be expected from the vehicles in the following picture?

Picture for question 940

26. Who is required to have an escort as a ”new driver” while driving a private passenger car?

27. The traffic light in your direction of driving is green. To what are you required to pay attention when approaching it?

Picture for question 974

28. You are approaching a tunnel with a road sign displayed in front of you and want to overtake a slow vehicle driving ahead of you:

Picture for question 751

29. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 456

30. Define “motor vehicle”:

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