1. Is a driver permitted to cross an unbroken separation line in order to make a U-turn?

2. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 349

3. It prohibited to overtake before a pedestrian crossing:

4. When traffic signs or road marking have an orange color:

5. Are cyclists and pedestrians permitted to enter according to the following traffic signs?

Picture for question 567

6. What is the risk in braking while being forced to pull onto the “hard shoulder”?

7. The following picture contains several road elements. How should a driver respond when approaching these elements?

Picture for question 929

8. What is the meaning of this traffic light when it is placed above your driving lane?

Picture for question 678

9. Which road sign informs about a change in the number of road lanes?

Picture for question 504

10. What is the risk of using the GPS navigation system while driving?

11. According to the following picture you are obliged to:

Picture for question 144

12. What is the minimum distance that it is permitted to park near a fire hydrant?

13. What should you do to reduce the effect of dazzle (blinding) during the dark?

14. Is it obligatory to wear safety belts in a utility vehicle?

15. Is it permitted to overtake, or to try overtaking, another vehicle within a distance of 100 meters before a railway crossing?

16. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 419

17. Is it permitted to drive a tractor with brakes that are permanently separated?

18. You are driving vehicle no. 3 before an intersection without traffic signs. According to the rules of giving right-of-way, in what order should vehicles that arrived at the same time enter the intersection?

Picture for question 701

19. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 686

20. When you approach a pedestrian crossing that is marked on the road:

21. Is it obligatory to use an appropriate lower gear on every steep descent?

22. What should a driver do when there’s a change in his health condition?

23. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 690

24. How can we avoid danger when we start driving and when we merge with traffic?

25. What is the minimal gap that you should legally maintain from the vehicle in front of you?

Picture for question 138

26. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 418

27. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

Picture for question 558

28. What is the correct manner for leaving a vehicle standing in a roadway?

29. When is it permitted to overtake a vehicle on its right side?

30. When is a driver obliged to signal?

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